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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - skid


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Перевод с английского языка skid на русский

1) буксование 2) буксовать 3) двигаться юзом 4) заносить 5) пойти юзом 6) полоз 7) ростерный 8) тралевать 9) шлеппер 10) юзовый chain skid bankцепной холодильник skid of a cutter-loaderлыжа угольного комбайна - skid beam - skid derrick - skid transfer - tail skid
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См. в других словарях

  1. подставка; подпорка 2. тех. полоз, направляющий рельс; скат 3. тех. тормозной башмак 4. ав. бесстоечное лыжное шасси 5. ав. скольжение (на развороте или вираже) 6. мор. ростры 7. авт. занос; юз; буксование the car went into a skid —- машину занесло; машина забуксовала skid chain —- цепь противоскольжения 8. ам. путь под уклон, к провалу, поражению on the skids —- катящийся вниз; обреченный to hit the skids —- опуститься after losing his job he hit the skids —- потеряв работу, он совсем опустился to put the skids under smb., smth. —- ам. быстро отделаться от ког-либо, чего-либо; провалить, свалить, сместить кого-либо; добиться провала чего-либо lack of money put the skids under our plan —- недостаток средств привел к провалу нашего плана 9. скользить 10. ав. скользить на крыло 11. авт. заносить; буксовать; двигаться юзом the car skidded —- машину занесло 12. тормозить; спускаться на тормозах 13. спускаться на лыжах 14. резко падать his popularity skidded —- его популярность покатилась под уклон 15. редк. нестись, мчаться ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  past, past part. of ski  2. SKID  1. noun  1) тормозной башмак  2) скаты, полоз, салазки, направляющий рельс  3) aeron. лыжа  4) mot. юз, буксование, занос to put the skids under amer.; sl. - избавиться, быстро отделаться on the skids - обреченный на провал, гибель и т.п.  2. v.  1) mot. заносить; буксовать; the car skidded - машину занесло  2) тормозить, спускаться на тормозах  3) резко падать; His popularity skidded. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  подкладка; подставка; подпорка полоз, направляющий рельс тормозной башмак занос, скольжение (автомобиля) ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) горн. основание крепи, "лыжа" 2) мн. ч. салазки 3) мн. ч. опорная рама (для сварки трубопровода) 4) башмак (каротажного зонда) 5) метал. шлеппер 6) тормоз; тормозной башмак 7) боковое крыло (СПК) 8) полозковое шасси (вертолёта) 9) занос (автомобиля) 10) передвижная грузовая платформа 11) стеллаж 12) полигр. стапель, стапельная доска 13) полигр. механизм опускания стапельного стола 14) стапель (бумаги) 15) скользить 16) буксовать - air cushion skid - centering skid - charging skid - discharge skid - drag-over skid - emergency bumper skid - pipe skid - production skid - receiving skid - shielded skid - side-wall skid - sloping skid - tail skid - transfer skid - tubular skid - unloading skid SKID BOARD прокладочный лист, используемый вместо поддона ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. (skidded, skidding) 1 intr. (of a vehicle, a wheel, or a driver) slide on slippery ground, esp. sideways or obliquely. 2 tr. cause (a vehicle etc.) to skid. 3 intr. slip, slide. 4 intr. colloq. fail or decline or err. 5 tr. support or move or protect or check with a skid. --n. 1 the act or an instance of skidding. 2 a piece of wood etc. serving as a support, ship's fender, inclined plane, etc. 3 a braking device, esp. a wooden or metal shoe preventing a wheel from revolving or used as a drag. 4 a runner beneath an aircraft for use when landing. Phrases and idioms hit the skids colloq. enter a rapid decline or deterioration. on the skids colloq. 1 about to be discarded or defeated. 2 ready for launching. put the skids under colloq. 1 hasten the downfall or failure of. 2 cause to hasten. skid-lid sl. a crash-helmet. skid-pan Brit. 1 a slippery surface prepared for vehicle-drivers to practise control of skidding. 2 a braking device. skid road US 1 a road for hauling logs along. 2 a part of a town frequented by loggers or vagrants. skid row US a part of a town frequented by vagrants, alcoholics, etc. Etymology: 17th c.: orig. unkn. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: perhaps of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse skith stick of wood — more at ski  Date: circa 1610  1. one of a group of objects (as planks or logs) used to support or elevate a structure or object  2. a wooden fender hung over a ship's side to protect it in handling cargo  3. a usually iron shoe or clog attached to a chain and placed under a wheel to prevent its turning when descending a steep hill ; drag  4. a timber, bar, rail, pole, or log used in pairs or sets to form a slideway (as for an incline from a truck to the sidewalk)  5. the act of ~ding ; slip, sideslip  6. a runner used as a member of the landing gear of an airplane or helicopter  7.  a. plural a route to defeat or downfall on the ~s his career hit the ~s  b. a losing streak a 5-game ~  8. a low platform mounted (as on wheels) on which material is set for handling and moving; also pallet 3  • ~proof adjective  II. verb  (~ded; ~ding)  Date: 1674  transitive verb  1. to apply a brake or ~ to ; slow or halt by a ~  2.  a. to haul (as logs) by dragging cutting and ~ding firewood  b. to haul along, slide, hoist, or store on ~s  intransitive verb  1. to slide without rotating (as a wheel held from turning while a vehicle moves onward)  2.  a. to fail to grip the roadway; especially to slip sideways on the road  b. of an airplane to slide sideways away from the center of curvature when turning  c. slide, slip  3. to fall rapidly, steeply, or far sales ~ded last year ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (skids, skidding, skidded) If a vehicle skids, it slides sideways or forwards while moving, for example when you are trying to stop it suddenly on a wet road. The car pulled up too fast and skidded on the dusty shoulder of the road... The plane skidded off the runway while taking off in a snow storm. VERB: V, V prep • Skid is also a noun. I slammed the brakes on and went into a skid. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v skidded, skidding if a vehicle or wheel skids, it suddenly slides sideways and you cannot control it  (The wheels of the truck skidded on the wet snow.) ~2 n 1 a sudden uncontrollable sliding movement of a vehicle  (She could hear the skid of the car as it went around the corner. | go into a skid (=start skidding))  (He slammed on the brakes and we went into a long skid. | skid marks)  (The only sign of the crash were the skid marks on the road.) 2 on the skids informal being in a situation that is bad and getting worse  (He's been on the skids since losing his job.) 3 put the skids under informal to make it likely or certain that something will fail  (The recession put the skids under his plans for starting a new business.) 4 a part that is underneath some aircraft used in addition to wheels for landing on  (helicopter skids) 5 usually plural a piece of wood that is put under a heavy object to lift or move it ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1609, "beam or plank on which something rests," probably from O.N. skiр "stick of wood" (see ski). Verb sense of "sliding along" first recorded 1838; extended sense of "slip sideways" (on a wet road, etc.) first recorded 1884. The original notion is of a block of wood for stopping a wheel; the modern senses are from the notion of a wheel slipping when blocked from revolving. Skid row first attested 1931, from skid road "track of skids along which logs are rolled" (1851), the sense of which was extended to "part of town inhabited by loggers," then by hobos to "disreputable district" (1915). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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